Local Planner is a service provided by TeaTeaLand designed to help users create travel plans. By selecting the attractions you want to visit and the cuisines you want to try, and sharing your preferences about travel methods, dining, and accommodation, we will provide a detailed travel plan tailored to your needs.
Our Local Planner service is paid. For specific pricing, please refer to our pricing page. We charge only for the service, with no advertising revenue involved.
With our Itinerary Editor, you can easily select the tourist attractions you wish to visit. We provide curated information about attractions in your chosen city. If your desired attraction is not listed, you can easily add it in the Itinerary Editor.
Using our Itinerary Editor, you can select your preferred cuisines from the sidebar. We offer curated information about cuisines in your chosen city. If your preferred cuisine is not listed, you can easily add it in the Itinerary Editor.
Our service costs $10 per day, and we charge only for the actual days planned. For example, if you are traveling in Beijing for 3 days and wish to use TeaTeaLand to plan your itinerary for those 3 days, we only charge $30 in total.
If you have a 3-day itinerary but only need help with 1-2 days (understanding that some days might be spent on commuting or hotel check-ins), you can select specific days, and we will only charge for those days.
Once you have completed your selections, you can use Local Planner; we will recommend suitable restaurants and transportation methods. If you’re unsure about hotel locations, we can also recommend suitable accommodations (please refer to the next step to share your preferences).
Once payment is complete, we need to know your travel preferences. Spend 10 minutes filling out a form on the "Service" page, and we will create your itinerary (it’s much more efficient and accurate than searching on Google).
The form includes the following dimensions:
Within 24 hours, we will create your itinerary based on your preferences, including:
You can view the itinerary we created for you on the "Itinerary" page. You can make adjustments after the itinerary is completed.
Yes, if you specify a restaurant, such as a Michelin-starred one, we will try to schedule it on a suitable date based on your attractions and hotel location.
No, we only provide itinerary planning and restaurant recommendations. The $10 per day Local Planner service does not include restaurant reservations. You can contact us via WhatsApp for further discussion.
Yes, you can freely adjust the itinerary after it is created.
If you request a refund before the itinerary is delivered, you can do so unconditionally by emailing (leetanghui424@gmail.com). However, once delivered, refunds are not possible, as creating your itinerary involves several hours of work. Please respect our time.